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Four-Character Idiom Senjafuda Sticker 千社札ステッカー【百戦錬磨 -HYAKUSEN RENMA-】



"Hyakusen Renma" refers to a person who has been hardened and refined through numerous real battles or challenges. The phrase originates from two components: "百戦" (hundreds of battles), symbolizing a vast number of experiences, and "錬磨" (refinement or honing), which implies being trained or polished through constant practice. It is used to describe someone with substantial experience, who has been toughened and sharpened by repeatedly facing difficult situations.

In essence, it can be interpreted as:

"A person who has been tempered and trained by numerous challenges or experiences, gaining exceptional skill and resilience."

This phrase is commonly used to refer to individuals who have honed their abilities through countless experiences in fields such as business, sports, or military settings.



【"What are Four-Character Idioms?】

A "four-character idiom" (四字熟語, "yoji-jukugo") is a Japanese expression made up of four kanji characters.

These idioms often come from classical Chinese and convey a deep meaning or a concept in a compact form.

They can express wisdom, moral lessons, or describe situations in just four characters. Examples include expressions for perseverance, success, or harmony.

In short, it’s a brief phrase made of four characters that communicates a bigger idea.


・ステッカー sticker

・48mm x 144mm(1.89 inches x 5.67 inches)



Four-Character Idiom Senjafuda Sticker 千社札ステッカー【百戦錬磨 -HYAKUSEN RENMA-】

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